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Opportunity View

1. Add Opportunity

  1. To input a new Opportunity select Add Opportunity + from the menu bar.

  1. Select Client/Lead * from the Account drop-down box and select your Client/Lead from the list.

  2. Alternatively begin typing your Client/Lead in the Search bar to select.

  3. If your Client/Lead is not shown you can add this directly without using the menu bar options by entering the name and selecting + New Client (Method 2 of adding a new Client).

  4. Enter any relevant information in the remaining boxes and then select Create. Your new Opportunity will now be displayed in the Pipeline.

2. Edit Opportunity

  1. To Edit an Opportunity select the Opportunity from the Pipeline.

  1. Various parameters can now be changed or added.

    1. Account Name.​

    2. Pipeline Column (you can also drag an Opportunity in the Pipeline view).

    3. The Project Name.

    4. Revenue.

    5. Forecast (No/Yes).

    6. Lead Measure value: 1 to 10. (Please view this page for details).

    7. Card Color (Line of Business eg: Hardware, Software, Training etc).

    8. Source of Lead (eg: Referral, Trade Show, Pipeline Wednesday etc).

    9. Close Date.

    10. Alert Date (this date will flash past due on the Pipeline).

    11. Notes.

    12. ​Account (Information eg: Contact Name, Phone, Email etc).

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